Customer Care & Support
We are delighted that you’ve chosen to enroll here at PCS. You’ll find that every part of our program is designed to help each of our students succeed, make progress, and grow in their love and enjoyment of music.
You’ll find many opportunities at PCS for your child to discover and develop their musical abilities to their fullest potential. That’s because our goal is for music to become an integral and joyful part of their lives for now and for years to come.
Here are the policies that allow for us to provide the best possible customer care to all of our students. Click to see the details under each category.
Yearly Enrollment
New or returning students may start lessons at any time of the year and pause enrollment as needed. We’ll gladly pro-rate tuition or schedule makeup classes if you start lessons or Kindermusik® classes partway through the month.
All students – new, previously enrolled, or siblings – must be registered through the office before starting lessons.
Once enrolled, you remain enrolled for the year (through July) unless you submit a form to pause or withdraw.
Current students are given priority re-enrollment every June for the new year. We like to keep things clear and convenient!
Need to make a change?
If you need to make a scheduling change, class change, or teacher change, you can let us know via our web form or by calling our office at 864-232-5010. We’re always glad to help.
Cancellation and Withdrawal
If you need to cancel your enrollment, you must send the office written notice prior to the 1st of the month. If notice is received after the 1st of the month, the tuition for the current month will still be charged. You may finish out the month since you’ve paid for the month.
Written notice of withdrawal must be given via our online form:
We will always confirm back that we have received your notice of withdrawal. If you do not receive confirmation, check your junk/spam folder or call or text our office at 864-232-5010.
Enrollment Fees
An Enrollment Fee is charged at the time of enrollment for new students and thereafter at the start of each year for returning students. The annual Enrollment Fee is an all-inclusive fee that covers various recital and performance event fees as well as registration processing. Enrollment fees are non-refundable.
Monthly Tuition and Enrollment Inclusions
Tuition (and any book fees for lesson students) are automatically billed on the 5th of each month to the credit or debit card on file.
Our monthly tuition is for everything that is included with enrollment here at PCS.
For our music lesson students, that includes a scheduled number of weekly lessons for the year plus the Group Musicianship Classes, special events, contests, awards program, Performance Parties, and recitals planned for our students.
For our Kindermusik® families, enrollment perks include new music, e-books, and activities with each new unit (Levels 1 to 4) or semester (Kindermusik Musicians Level 5); Home Materials for Kindermusik Musicians; musical gifts throughout the year; Referral Rewards; and unlimited makeup classes for as long as you are enrolled.
Access to our PCS App, the Kindermusik® App (Kindermusik® families) and Practice Space App (Lesson students) is also included. And then of course, there is all the love, time, and effort the teacher puts in as well – both in and out of the lessons!
Monthly Tuition Billing
To keep things simple, tuition is divided into equal monthly payments for the year. No matter how many classes, lessons, or special events fall in any given month, the tuition amount remains the same. We plan our calendars carefully to ensure that all students receive the same number of classes or lessons in a year.
Tuition Collection via Automated Payment
The office will automatically charge tuition on the 5th of the month to the credit card on file.
Past Due Accounts and Suspended Lessons
The office will notify students of any past-due accounts. After a grace period of two days, a late fee of $30 will be applied, and lessons will be temporarily suspended until the account is settled.
Accounts with 3 consecutive months of payments declined for insufficient funds will be charged an immediate insufficient funds fee of $30. If the account is not paid in full by the end of 48 hours, the late fee of $30 will also be added.
Music Lessons: Books and Supplies
Students taking instrumental or vocal lessons can expect about $55-85 of music expenses throughout the year. Teachers purchase the music for their students and then notify the student/family of the book or supply fees to be charged.
Music book and supplies fees will be applied to the student’s account and charged at the same time as the current month’s payment.
If you lose your PCS Music Bag and would like a replacement, the replacement cost is $10.
Music Lesson Students: Renting, Buying, or Upgrading an Instrument
Unless you are taking voice lessons, you will need to have a good quality instrument on which to practice at home during the week.
To put it into perspective, having an instrument for daily practice is as vital to music lessons as ice skates are to hockey or shin guards are to soccer.
The quality of the instrument also has huge impact on a student’s progress and motivation. If you have any questions about your instrument, or you are concerned that your instrument may be hindering your student’s progress, talk with one of our preferred partners.
Here are our preferred partners for instrument purchase or rental.
Purchasing or upgrading a digital or acoustic piano:
Piano Central
Note: Be sure to mention that you are a PCS student when you talk to the sales team at Piano Central.
Renting or upgrading strings, brass, or woodwind instruments:
Musical Innovations
Note: Musical Innovations’ rent-to-own plan allows 100% of the monthly rental to be applied towards purchase.
Makeup Options for Music Lessons
Our makeup lesson options give you maximum flexibility and choice while also maintaining student progress and momentum.
Instead of rescheduling missed lessons by teaching makeup lessons, we offer several other makeup options during the school year. Here are your makeup options:
#1 – Schedule an Online Lesson
Pre-arrange with your teacher to take your lesson online at your regularly lesson time. At least 8 hours’ notice is required so that your teacher can prepare and coordinate with you. In-person lessons rescheduled as online lessons must take place at your regularly scheduled lesson time.
#2 – Receive a Missed Lesson Assignment
Even when you miss a lesson, you will still benefit from your reserved lesson time. If you do not attend your lesson either in-person or online, your teacher will use your reserved lesson time to create a Missed Lesson Assignment for you.
Your customized Missed Lesson Assignment will be saved in your Practice Space account or saved in your Google Drive folder so that you can continue making good progress and practicing effectively.
#3 – Attend Group Musicianship Classes and Studio Performance Parties
In addition to receiving a Missed Lesson Assignment, you may also:
- Schedule to attend a Group Musicianship Class at our studio locations.
- This option is available for our school location students who may schedule to attend a Group Musicianship Class as a makeup for any missed lesson. Studio location students are welcome to schedule to attend an extra GMC as a makeup. Simply go online through the Parent/Student Portal to schedule. There are six GMC weeks during the school year at our studio locations.
- Attend your teacher’s Studio Performance Parties in the fall and in the spring.
- This is an exclusive enrollment perk which not only gives students from the same teacher’s studio a great chance to get together, but also provides every student with two extra classes – for a makeup option or if you do not miss any lessons, as bonus weeks!
Makeup Options for Kindermusik® Classes
Our Kindermusik® families can request unlimited makeup classes while you are enrolled. Simply give us a call or go online in the Parent Portal to schedule.
Teacher Absence and Inclement Weather
Lessons missed due to teacher absence will always be made up by scheduling a makeup lesson. At times of inclement weather, lessons will be taught online at your regularly scheduled lesson time.
Rescheduling Summer Lessons
During the summer when we offer more scheduling flexibility, you may reschedule lessons if you give your teacher at least 24 hours in advance.
Communication with PCS
As always, we welcome feedback and questions from students and families. Teachers will provide students and families with their phone number and email address, and students are encouraged to contact their teacher regarding scheduling, student progress, or weekly assignments.
To contact our office, call or text us at 864-232-5010 or email us at [email protected].
Music Lesson Practice at Home
Practice requirements and goals will vary according to teacher assignments and student levels. Students taking instrumental lessons need an instrument in the home on which to practice.
Parental Involvement
Parental support is crucial to the success of each student. That’s why we regularly communicate via email, text, and the PCS App. Music lesson parents can see all assignments and measure progress through your student’s Practice Space App account.
Late Pick-Up Policy
Providing for our students’ safety and being respectful of our teachers’ time is of utmost priority to us here at PCS. When the student’s lesson or class ends, teachers are either moving on to teach the next lesson or heading home to their families or other responsibilities.
For these reasons, students must be picked up from their lesson or class promptly. If a student is dropped off for a lesson, the parent should plan to be back on site at least 5 minutes before the end of their class or lesson.
If one of our teachers must wait with the child because the child is the last student to leave for the day, there will be a late pick-up fee charged to the student’s account to compensate the teacher for their time and inconvenience in waiting with the child. Repeated late pick-ups will require rescheduling of lesson or class times.
Late pick-up fees will be billed as follows:
- From 5 to 15 minutes late for pick-up: A $25 fee will be charged to your account
- From 15 to 30 minutes late for pick-up: A $40 fee will be charged to your account
- From 30 to 60 minutes late for pick-up: A $60 fee will be charged to your account
If you know you are going to be late and the child has a cell phone, please text your child. This will put their mind at ease. It also means they can let their teacher know that you are on your way.
You may also text your child's teacher if you are running late to pick your child up from lessons.
If a student is not picked up within 60 minutes after their lesson/class has ended and we cannot reach a parent or another contact, the PCS office will assume an emergency exists and contact local law enforcement.
With flexible summer scheduling options, it’s easy and convenient for any student to start lessons as a new PCS student or to continue to make great progress as a current student in the summer.
Each current student's enrollment includes six summer lessons with an option to upgrade to more or longer lessons in June and July.
Summer Lessons Billing
Summer tuition is billed monthly, no matter how the lessons are scheduled throughout the summer. This allows for billing consistency but also gives students maximum flexibility in scheduling.
Summer Lessons Scheduling
Your teachers will reserve a lesson day/time for you in their summer schedule for the weeks that you choose. Taking your summer lessons online is an option for when you will be out of town.
Rescheduling Summer Lessons
Should you need to reschedule a summer lesson, all we require is 24 hours’ advance notice. Rescheduling is subject to availability in the teacher’s schedule and is a perk offered only in the summer.
Cancellations made within less than 24 hours or no-shows cannot be rescheduled or made up. Credit is not given for missed or unscheduled lessons. However, your teacher will use your lesson time to create a Missed Lesson Assignment for you.
A List of our Guides
We believe in clear and thorough communication. To that end, we have created several helpful guides for students and families for your reference and convenience.
→ The Kindermusik® Family Guide
In the Kindermusik® Family Guide, you’ll find helpful information about staying connected, choosing the best level for your child, enrollment perks, musical parenting activities, and more!
→ The Practice Space Student Guide
This guide puts everything you need to know about the Practice Space app at your fingertips. You can think of it as your Practice Space “tour guide”!
→ Music PRACTICE Support Guide
If you have a school-age student enrolled in lessons, this guide is for you! Motivate their progress with tips from this practical about daily practice at home.
→ Music STUDENT Support Guide
With a goldmine of information, this guide gives you invaluable information about nearly everything to do with your enrollment and how you can make your music lessons a huge success.
→ Group Musicianship Class Success Guide
Refer to this guide for details about our Group Musicianship Classes offered at our studio locations. Studio location students attend these classes six times a year, and school location students may sign up to attend one or more of the GMCs as a makeup option throughout the school year.
Accessing Our Guides
You may access these guides at any time by logging into the PCS App.