Level 4: 4s and 5s Music Classes in Greenville, SC
In Level 4 you will…
… thrill at how your child’s joy and delight in music-making grows even deeper as they master musical terms, read and compose music, work happily together in ensembles and on teams, play musical games, and gain experience with a variety of instruments – all while gaining confidence in using their own unique instrument – their singing voice.
In Level 4, your child will learn music in a way that feels like play to them, helping them to forge a lifelong understanding and appreciation of rhythm, music, and more. Through a delightful, pressure-free learning experience, Level 4 will perfectly equip your child with the tools and experiences they will need later in order to take music lessons and master learning a musical instrument. Underneath the fun and games, we have a lot of serious, but joyful learning taking place – learning that is laying a rich foundation of musical understanding and skill.

Discover the huge boost that our NEW Level 4 will give your child!
In Level 4, be amazed as your child:
Learns to read and compose music
Begins to master musical terms
Enjoys advanced ensemble activities and musical games
Discovers the instruments of the orchestra
Learns to read and create rhythm patterns
Thrives in a class perfectly suited for the 4 and 5 year old’s energy and creativity

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