10 Things to Know Before Your Child’s First Music Lesson

This is the time of year at Piano Central Studios when we have many new students taking music lessons for the first time.   Whether they’re picking up the piano, singing, or learning another instrument, it’s a new adventure filled with creativity and growth.

Starting music lessons can seem a little overwhelming, especially for the adults bringing their child to lessons, knowing what to expect can make it a smooth and joyful experience.

Here are ten things to keep in mind as your child starts music lessons.

1. Prepare them with the essentials

Before the first lesson, make sure your child has everything they need to get off to a great start — whether it’s the instrument, a music stand, headphones, or a dedicated practice space. Just like you wouldn’t wait to buy school supplies for the first day of class, having the right materials from the start will set your child up for success and help them feel confident and inspired right from the beginning.

At PCS, we encourage you to help your child use the Practice Space app with their practice.  The Practice Space app is where you’ll find all their assignments, and where they’ll discover lots of rewards and incentives for their practice.  If you’re short on devices, or you want to control your child’s access, we recommend purchasing an inexpensive, refurbished Chromebook from Amazon.

2. Practice is key, but so is your support

Regular practice is essential for progress, and your support at home will make all the difference. Younger beginners may need you right beside them as they practice.  Older students may need you to listen in from another room and interact with them as they practice.  Without a doubt, students of all ages benefit from a set practice schedule – and your reminders! – to practice.

Being there to encourage and cheer your child on, especially during those early practice sessions, helps them stay motivated and connected to their learning. Even if you’re not musically inclined, your presence and support are invaluable.

3. Stay in touch with your child’s teacher

Your child’s teacher is your biggest ally when it comes to your child’s success in making progress and sticking with taking lessons.  If you have questions or you notice that your child is feeling unmotivated or struggling with their practice or assignments at home, don’t hesitate to talk with their teacher.  This connection is crucial in helping your child feel valued and fostering their musical growth.

4. Remember that consistency builds confidence and boosts progress

Establishing a regular practice schedule helps your child develop a routine, which is key to steady progress. This consistency not only aids in their musical development but also contributes to their overall happiness and emotional well-being.

5. Stay open to adjustments

As your child goes along in their musical journey, they may need to make some adjustments along the way. Whether it’s a different approach, a new or upgraded instrument, or a change in schedule, keeping an open dialogue with their teacher will help ensure that your child stays happy and continues to love music – and their music lessons!

6. Learning to sing or play an instrument is about more than just fun

While singing or playing an instrument music is definitely enjoyable, taking music lessons is also developing personally and emotionally. The process of growing in their skill and enjoyment may challenge your child at times, but sticking with it will enrich their lives tremendously, helping them feel more connected to their music and themselves.  They will need you to encourage them along the way, through the hard times and the peak times of this process of learning to sing or play an instrument.

7. Patience is essential

Here at PCS, we understand that learning and enjoying music is something our students can carry with them for life.  In fact, our mission is to nourish hearts and minds with music making for life.  With that in mind, know that it takes time, determination, and effort to develop musical skills. 

You can help by celebrating every step of progress, no matter how small, and encourage your child to keep going, even when they face adversities in their lessons, in school, or in their schedules. Their musical journey is unique and will unfold at its own pace.

8. Music is a very individualized journey

Music lessons are more than just a pastime; they are truly a personal and transformative experience. Your child will develop their own relationship with music, shaped by their interactions with teachers and fellow musicians. Encourage them to discover and express what it is that they love about music, and help them share their goals with their teacher.  There’s nothing our teachers here at PCS enjoy more than gaining the kind of insight into their students that helps them fully customize their music lessons and learning journey!

9. Encourage a growth mindset

Learning to sing or play an instrument can be challenging, and there may be moments when your child feels discouraged and wants to quit. Encouraging a growth mindset—where mistakes are seen as opportunities to learn—will help them embrace challenges and see their own progress. One of our favorite words here at PCS is the word “yet,” as in, “You haven’t learned that yet.”  This positive attitude not only helps them stay happy in their lessons but also fosters a lifelong love for learning and music.

10. Celebrate achievements, big and small

Recognizing your child’s achievements, whether they’ve mastered a new piece or simply had a great practice session, is a wonderful way to keep them motivated. Celebrating these moments shows your child that their hard work is valued and that their musical accomplishments are something to be proud of! As a music parent (or grandparent!), your involvement is crucial to making music lessons a rewarding and positive experience for your child. If you ever have any questions about how to support your child’s musical journey, their teacher is always there to help, as is the PCS Office. Your encouragement and support truly make all the difference as we work with you to make sure your child feels inspired, connected, valued, happy, and loving their music lessons!

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