Partners in Progress: Creating a Practice Nest

Consider two different places in your mind. The first place is a room that’s dark, small, and lonely. It’s a place that is cluttered with all different kinds of things with little space to even think or focus. Now imagine a room that is well-light with maybe some natural light, and spacious for not only you but some friends as well. It’s also well organized. Which room would you like to spend 30 minutes for 5 days a week in? I think the obvious answer would be the second room. Why? Because its welcoming, comfortable, and an enjoyable place to be!

Your “practice nest” in your home should be like that room you want to be in described above. We’re using the term “practice nest” because we want you to think of that place in your home that is welcoming, comfortable, organized, and enjoyable place for your child to practice. Here are some tips that will help you cultivate a “practice nest” that your child looks forward to being in everyday!

First, set up your “practice nest” in an area of your home that both private and central. You don’t want to make your child’s “practice nest” in a secluded room, but at the same time, you probably don’t want it in the middle of the living room where they cannot focus. A room that is central to the house but also has some privacy is the perfect place. Find a room that is well-lit and welcoming to others. Find a room that is spacious enough for people to stop by and listen. A musical journey is for the whole family, so put some fun bean bags or pillows so everyone in your family can enjoy practice time or even impromptu concerts.

Second, keep your “practice nest” organized. One way that is helpful to keep your “practice nest” organized in your home is to keep your PCS bag close with all their necessary music books and Assignment Notebook in that room. Practicing will be easier if all the books are where they’re supposed to be. It will also be helpful for lesson days when all the books are in the correct room in the bag so it’s easy to grab and go. Consider keeping a basket of pencils, sticky notes, and other things nearby to help your child as they write in their assignment notebook or on the sticky notes. Try not to use the “practice nest” as a room where toys are scattered everywhere or clutter piles up. Keep the space tidy and organized so that your child wants to spend time there.

Lastly, keep your “practice nest” surprising. If you follow the first two tips, then add this last tip once in a while, your child will love to come into their “practice nest!” Once in a while, surprise your child with a sweet note telling them how proud of their practice you are. Maybe a small gift or candy will lift their spirits when practicing is tough. Flowers are always a nice way to lift spirits as well. Surprises will add so much joy to your child’s practicing experiences in your home and help make them memorable!

We hope these tips are helpful to you. Our friend Andrea from has written a more extensive article on this fun topic. We encourage you to read more here to help make your home “practice nest” warm, inviting, an memorable place for your child on their musical journey!

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